Board & Committee Roles
President: Shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Executive Board. The President shall oversee a schedule of meetings, programs, and activities in conjunction with the Standing Committee Coordinators. The President shall notify Country Club of Landfall management of meeting dates for the coming year and, along with Treasurer, negotiate food and beverage costs for meetings. The President shall chair the Nominating Committee.
Vice-President: Shall perform all duties of the President in the President's absence. As Coordinator of the Programs Committee, the Vice President manages the process of selecting programs for the coming year. The Vice President shall buy a farewell gift for the outgoing President.
Secretary: Shall keep records of all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board. Shall initiate correspondence which will include thank you notes to speakers and special cards to members.
Treasurer: Shall receive and disburse all funds as directed, propose and monitor the Club budget, and keep records pertaining to the office.
Trips and Tours Committee: Plan and make travel arrangements for overnight and day trips; coordinate with treasurer for vendors, reservations, etc.
Special Events Committee: Assist with holiday and end of the year luncheons, and plan a gardening program such as Landfall garden walk or carpooling trip to nearby site.
Membership Committee: Extend invitations to prospective new members; provide name tags for current Club members; promote maximum participation of membership; collect and record Club dues for disbursement to Treasurer; compile the membership directory.
Communications Committee: Inform the Landfall community about Club activities, including providing articles for The Breeze and The Voice; maintain and update the Great Oaks Club website.
Nominating Committee: Shall be chaired by the President. Provide a slate of officers and committee coordinators for the coming year.
Historian: Record and display significant Club activities and events through digital photography; maintain historical records, including scrap books from previous years, in an accessible location.
Vice-President: Shall perform all duties of the President in the President's absence. As Coordinator of the Programs Committee, the Vice President manages the process of selecting programs for the coming year. The Vice President shall buy a farewell gift for the outgoing President.
Secretary: Shall keep records of all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board. Shall initiate correspondence which will include thank you notes to speakers and special cards to members.
Treasurer: Shall receive and disburse all funds as directed, propose and monitor the Club budget, and keep records pertaining to the office.
Trips and Tours Committee: Plan and make travel arrangements for overnight and day trips; coordinate with treasurer for vendors, reservations, etc.
Special Events Committee: Assist with holiday and end of the year luncheons, and plan a gardening program such as Landfall garden walk or carpooling trip to nearby site.
Membership Committee: Extend invitations to prospective new members; provide name tags for current Club members; promote maximum participation of membership; collect and record Club dues for disbursement to Treasurer; compile the membership directory.
Communications Committee: Inform the Landfall community about Club activities, including providing articles for The Breeze and The Voice; maintain and update the Great Oaks Club website.
Nominating Committee: Shall be chaired by the President. Provide a slate of officers and committee coordinators for the coming year.
Historian: Record and display significant Club activities and events through digital photography; maintain historical records, including scrap books from previous years, in an accessible location.